Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Nominalkatalog 1501 - 1929

ONB02-Satz: 1023682       ACNr.: 1023682

001023682LDR L-----nM2.01200024------h
001023682FMT LMH
001023682001 L$$aAZ01023682
001023682082 L$$at
001023682100 L$$aCharles, Robert-Henry
001023682101 L$$aCharles, R(obert)-H(enry)
001023682331 L$$aThe ethiopic Version of the book of Enoch ed. from twenty-three mss. together with the fragmentary greek and latin versions by R. H. Charles.
001023682410 L$$aOxford
001023682507 L$$aThe ethiopic Version of the book of Enoch ed. from twenty-three mss. together with the fragmentary greek and latin versions by R. H. Charles. Oxford 1906.
001023682509 L$$aAnecdota oxoniensia. 2.Semitic Series,11.
001023682902 L$$aHenochapokalypse
001023682902 L$$aäthiopische
001023682907 L$$aHenochapokalypse
001023682LBA L$$a0
001023682SGA L$$a393124-B$$b2,11$$cHan$$2NC
001023682Y01 L$$aG0101 S0001 K0000 R0001 GV000 SV000 KV000 RV000 GK000 SK000 KK000 RK000 SM000 SF000 SN000 SS000 SL000 SZ000 KL000 KZ000 RB002 RZ000 RL008 RN000 RS002
001023682Z01aL$$aBU001 SW002 ZEL0011 ZCH0345 QUA0231 DIS0036 SUB0001 INS0030 DEL0001
001023682KNR L$$aAZ01023682 SZ00474458
001023682CAT L$$aBATCH$$b20$$c20000811$$lONB02$$h2334
001023682CAT L$$aNKAMMA$$b20$$c20010504$$lONB02$$h0941
001023682CAT L$$aBATCH$$b20$$c20010906$$lONB02$$h0021
001023682CAT L$$aIMP01$$b20$$c20080516$$lONB02$$h1135
001023682CAT L$$aBATCH-UPD$$b20$$c20091002$$lONB02$$h0807
001023682CAT L$$aVRW02$$b20$$c20100510$$lONB02$$h1115

Nominalkatalog 1501 - 1929

nka: AZ01023682
Schlagwortkatalog 1501 - 1929

ska: SZ00474458