Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Nominalkatalog 1501 - 1929

ONB02-Satz: 441940       ACNr.: 441940

000441940LDR L-----nM2.01200024------h
000441940FMT LMH
000441940001 L$$aAZ00441940
000441940082 L$$at
000441940100 L$$aHogarth, William
000441940331 L$$aThe analysis of beauty written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste.
000441940410 L$$aLondon
000441940412 L$$aReeves
000441940507 L$$aThe analysis of beauty written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste. -London, Reeves 1753.
000441940902 L$$aGeschmack (Ästhetik)
000441940907 L$$aSchönheit
000441940LBA L$$a0
000441940SGA L$$a*48.R.2$$2PS
000441940Y01 L$$aG0111 S0001 K0001 R0001 GV000 SV000 KV000 RV000 GK000 SK000 KK000 RK000 SM000 SF000 SN000 SS000 SL000 SZ000 KL001 KZ000 RB001 RZ000 RL003 RN000 RS000
000441940Y08 L$$aASA01 ARP01
000441940Z01aL$$aVRK002 BU001 SW001 ZEL0006 ZCH0156 QUA0213 DIS0046 INS0019
000441940Z01bL$$aVRK002 BU001 SW001 ZEL0008 ZCH0157 QUA0219 DIS0052 SUB0001 INS0016
000441940KNR L$$aAZ00441940 SZ00407932 SZ01071950
000441940CAT L$$aBATCH$$b20$$c20000811$$lONB02$$h2025
000441940CAT L$$aBATCH$$b20$$c20010905$$lONB02$$h1533
000441940CAT L$$aSWBAT$$b20$$c20061121$$lONB02$$h1446
000441940CAT L$$aBRBATCH$$b20$$c20061215$$lONB02$$h1434
000441940CAT L$$aIMP01$$b20$$c20080516$$lONB02$$h1104
000441940CAT L$$aBATCH-UPD$$b20$$c20091016$$lONB02$$h1221

Nominalkatalog 1501 - 1929

nka: AZ00441940
Schlagwortkatalog 1501 - 1929

ska: SZ00407932

ska: SZ01071950